SMT 2019 - FRITSCH introduces news products!
Consistent further development of full-automatic machines, feeders and customized automation
40 years of FRITSCH GmbH
High tech from the Upper Palatinate region for worldwide electronics manufacturing
Manual Flipping stationstation
Easy, fast, flexible and cost-effective:
Flipping station and polarity check in one position for manual Pick & Place
twinALL - The flexible double-pack!
Perfectly matched to the 40 th anniversary the FRITSCH company offers an effective solution for flexible and enlarged production throughout with the…
Company Anniversary
At the SMT this year’s our booth is marked by the number 40!
News at productronica!
We introduce our placeALL515 and our classic range in new design.
Problems while picking & placing THT components?
The user-friendly Laser-Pointer-Module for the semi-automatic SM902professional enables to facilitate the pick & place of THT components.
printALL 210 - now with extended screen printing
Newly developed flood squeegees complete the stencil- and screen printer printALL210 with more possibilities and applications.
Show news SMT 2017
Further delvelopment of printALL, Upgrade dispenseALL, new development tapestripFEEDER
Software-update placeALL® version 2016
The sophisticated and customized software gurarantees an efficient manufacturing with modern pick & place machines in high speed.
The direct look on our machines
... digital and in real time.
Be our virtual guest here in our modern demo room in Amberg. This extraordinary time requires creative ideas from all of us. With Team Viewer we give you the opportunity to find out more about our products and their range of services and to talk to us face to face over long distances. Our service is also available to you via this medium. Contact us here for your personal appointment.