Automatic fiducial recognitation
To correct the position of workpiece carriers symbols like cross, circle, rhombs etc can be automatically scanned. The dispensing machine is also able to use the edges for the adjustment. Depending on application and workpiece carrier 1 up to 3 reference marks are utilized.
- Automatic position corretion of PCBs and circit carriers
- Automatic stop of production if PCB is wrong placed
Features for every application
Dispensing tasks are as individual as the used media. Therefore the dispensing machine dispenseALL 420 offers a lot of options for every application.
Technical Data:
- 1 up to 3 dispensing valves
- time-pressure valves
- precision dispenser valves
- screw dispeser valves
- jet dispening valves
- spray dispensing system
- dots, lines, circes, free forms
- any dispensing heights